Updated WHY? Page
Updated September 24, 2020 It has been twelve years since I left Christianity and declared myself to be an atheist – twelve years of email from primarily Evangelical Christians asking me to explain...
View ArticleFrom Evangelicalism to Atheism — Part One
Creamery Road, Zanesville, Ohio Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and corrected. In the following series, I intend to explore my journey from Evangelicalism to atheism. In future posts, I plan to...
View ArticleFrom Evangelicalism to Atheism — Part Two
Creamery Road, Zanesville, Ohio Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and corrected. One of the questions I am often asked is, why did you become an Evangelical or why did you become an Independent...
View ArticleFrom Evangelicalism to Atheism — Part Three
Creamery Road, Zanesville, Ohio Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and corrected. I am often asked, when did you first begin to doubt? This is not an easy question for me to answer. As I look back...
View ArticleFrom Evangelicalism to Atheism — Part Four
Creamery Road, Zanesville, Ohio Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and corrected. After two short stints pastoring Community Baptist Church in Elmendorf, Texas (1994) and Olive Branch Christian Union...
View ArticleFrom Evangelicalism to Atheism: Twelve Years Later — Part Five
Creamery Road, Zanesville, Ohio I am often asked questions about my life post-Jesus: questions about children, marriage, and the effect of my unbelief on my relationships with family and friends. I am...
View ArticleThe Danger of Being in a Box and Why it Makes Sense When You Are In It
Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and corrected. I was in the Christian church for fifty years. I spent twenty-five of those years pastoring Evangelical churches in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. I was a...
View Article2013-2014: A Look at My Writing Post-Christianity
What follows is a sampling of the letters to the editors of the Bryan Times and the Defiance Crescent-News I wrote between 2013 and 2014. These letters were written after I deconverted from...
View ArticleBruce, Your Mind is Darkened and Your Heart is Hardened by Sin
Earlier today, an Evangelical man from Birmingham, Alabama, left the following comment on the post, Things Christians Say: If the Lord Tarries: Why do you people bother arguing and debating with this...
View ArticleBruce, You are Misrepresenting Evangelical Christianity
Earlier this week, an Evangelical man by the name of Joseph McPherson left the following comments on my Facebook page: That is not spot on theologically, or something evangelicals would say. What...
View ArticleBruce, Why Did You Start to See a Secular Counselor?
I recently asked readers to submit questions they would like me to answer. If you have a question you would like me to answer, please leave your question on the page, Your Questions, Please. Brian...
View ArticleBruce, Why Did You Leave the Ministry?
Bruce and Polly Gerencser, Sweetheart Banquet, 1985 I preached my first sermon at the age of fifteen. From that point forward, I would preach over 4,000 sermons. While many of the young men who...
View ArticleLeaving the Ministry: Dealing with Guilt and Regret
Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and corrected. A friend of mine, a former devoted, committed Evangelical pastor’s wife, wrote me and asked: I’ve been struggling a lot lately. re: all the wasted...
View ArticleBruce, Are Your Wife and Children Atheists?
Bob asks: I had been wondering about this question and since you touched on it in this blog I wanted to ask, and it is about your wife’s stand on Christianity in general and her standing today for...
View ArticleIt’s Been Fifteen Years Since I Preached My Last Sermon
It’s been fifteen years since I preached my last sermon. Well, according to my counselor, it’s been fifteen years since I preached my last CHRISTIAN sermon. He thinks I am still very much a preacher...
View ArticleAn Ex-Pastor’s Dilemma
Bruce Gerencser, age 25, Ordination 1983, Emmanuel Baptist Church Buckeye Lake, Ohio Contrary to what some of my critics say, I have no great need to convert others to what they derisively call the...
View ArticleHow Fundamentalist Christianity Affected My View of Money and Material Things
Our hillbilly mansion. We lived in this 720 square foot mobile home for five years, all eight of us. We paid $2,800 for it. I tore out closets, replaced floors, etc to make it livable. We heated it...
View ArticleBruce, Why Did it Take You So Long to Leave Christianity?
Bruce and Polly Gerencser, May 1978 On occasion, I will have an atheist ask me why it took me so long to leave Christianity. Typically, such atheists are lifelong unbelievers, having little to no...
View ArticleShort Stories: The Night I Set My Life on Fire
Bryan Times Advertisement for Our Father’s House, West Unity, Ohio Family and close friends know that I can be temperamental and impetuous. I am quick to make decisions, and doing so has, for the most...
View ArticleBruce, You Were Religious, but Lost
Repost from 2015-2016. Edited, updated, and corrected. I have been told countless times that the reason I am an atheist today is that I never met the R-E-A-L Jesus or that I was religious, but lost....
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