Bruce, You Are a Stupid Man, Says a Calvinistic Commenter
Email From the Peanut Gallery Warning! Snark, a few stray cuss words, and discussion of penis size ahead. You have been warned. Has this warning ever stopped anyone from reading? I doubt it, but at...
View ArticleEvangelical Man Finds My Story “Confusing”
Email From the Peanut Gallery Evangelical Man Finds My Story “Confusing” Several months ago, I received an email from an Evangelical man who shared with me that he found my story confusing. This is a...
View ArticleI Wish Evangelical Christians Would Quit Treating Me Like an Abused Puppy
The telling of my deconversion story brings all sorts of responses from Evangelical Christians. Some of my critics comb through my life with a head-lice comb, hoping to find something that invalidates...
View ArticleThe Fundy World Tales — Part One
One of the questions I am often asked is how I went from being an Evangelical pastor to an outspoken atheist. It is not uncommon for people to drift away from Evangelicalism as young adults, only to...
View ArticleBruce, I Feel Sorry for You, Says Evangelical Man
Email from the Peanut Gallery Recently, an Evangelical man by the name of John sent me a short email that said: Bruce, guess someone really hurt you to make you so bitter. I’m sorry that happened to...
View ArticleEvangelical Twitterer Says God is Losing Patience with Me
Warning! Bucket loads of snark ahead. Recently, I engaged in a short-lived Twitter discussion with an Evangelical man going by the handle atheismbut. His goal, I believe, was to sling lies,...
View ArticleIFB Evangelist’s Wife Says She Loves Me, And God Does Too!
Email From the Peanut Gallery Warning! Buckets of snark ahead. You have been warned. Kizzy, the wife of an Oklahoma-based Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) evangelist, recently did a Bing web...
View ArticleJosh Harris Renounces Christianity: Will Acronyms Send You to Hell?
Josh Harris, the best-selling author of “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” (Harris’ repudiation of the book) and former pastor with Sovereign Grace Churches (formerly Sovereign Grace Ministries, formerly...
View ArticleBruce Gerencser CLAIMS He Once Was a Christian
Repost from 2015. Edited, rewritten, and corrected. I have been blogging since 2007. When I started blogging, I was an Emerging church, red-letter Christian who, along with his wife, was desperately...
View ArticleSixteen Reasons Why I am Not a Christian
Repost from 2015. Edited, rewritten, and corrected. I have spent the past twelve years answering questions about WHY I stopped believing in the existence of God. Yet, some readers still can’t...
View ArticleBruce, What’s the REAL Reason You Left the Ministry?
In the fall of my tenth grade year, I made a public profession of faith at Trinity Baptist Church in Findlay, Ohio. I was fifteen. I vividly remember sitting with my church friends several rows back...
View ArticleThe Battler
Originally written in 2010 The Battler When he battled liberal churches and preachers, they loved him. When he battled Democrats, they loved him. And then he became too liberal for them. When he...
View ArticleAdvice for a Young Evangelical Bible College Student
I receive all sorts of emails every day, everything from personal attacks to honest questions. Rarely does a week go by where I don’t receive an email that deeply affects me emotionally. Several days...
View ArticleWhat Motivated Me to Work so Hard for Jesus
Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and corrected It all started with my belief that the Bible was the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. I considered the Bible the road map for navigating...
View ArticleEvangelical Man Wants Me to Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But...
Recently, an Evangelical man by the name of Roger Smoak left the following comment on Why I Hate Jesus, the most widely read (and misunderstood) post on this site: I would be interested in knowing...
View ArticleThe Midwestern Baptist College Preacher Who Became an Atheist
Polly Shope and Bruce Gerencser, February 1977, Midwestern Baptist College Sweetheart Banquet, the only time we were allowed to be closer than six inches apart. Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and...
View ArticleDear Family and Friends: Why I Can’t and Won’t Go to Church
Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and corrected. To those who call me Bruce, Butch, Dad, or Grandpa: In November 2008, Polly and I attended church for the last time. Since then, I have walked through...
View ArticleBruce, I Love and Respect Your Position
What Evangelicals Really Think About Atheists Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and corrected. Bruce, I love and respect your position. No, you don’t. And you shouldn’t. If you are a Christian, I...
View ArticleWhy I “Retired” from the Ministry
What follows is a post I wrote detailing the reasons why I retired from the ministry in 2005. When I wrote this, I had not yet declared myself an atheist/agnostic. As you will see, I was still...
View ArticleBruce, You Are Wrong!!
Repost from 2015. Edited, updated, and corrected. Over the past thirteen years, various people have taken it upon themselves in emails, blog comments, Facebook comments, tweets, letters to the editor,...
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